Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Old and Angry but I gotta say I still like it. :o)

Raining Reigning


time ever flowing
always pouring
like drenching rain.

Falling and stumbling atop
against crashing day to day.
Never lulling in all its pulling
out of controling- can't keep up
with its endless droning.

I scream out



Please slow down.

I can't keep up.

My grip is slipping
my hands are raw
ever grasping.

My heart is pounding my mind is
whirling. There is no ceasing its
all consuming.

Where am I? Can you see me?

Help me please I think I'm falling
hurry please, my strength is seeping.
Will you catch me? Or watch me fall,
do you see me? Can you hear me as
I'm screaming?

Your eyes rest on me

through me.

Behind your gaze is emptiness.

I think you too are lost,
left, already fallen,
only here by the air you breath.

I breath.

created 12/14/02 by D.M


Anonymous said...

i like it